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The School Governors

The Governors’ Role
The Governors have a responsibility for the effective management of the school acting within the framework set by Government legislation and the policies of the Local Education Authority. They determine the aims for the curriculum and have increasing responsibility for the financial management of the school, which is the role of the Head, supported by the teaching staff.

The Governors produce an annual report to parents, which can be discussed along with other matters at an annual parents’ meeting. You will be sent a copy of the report via your child and given good notice of the meeting.

Minutes of the Governors’ meetings are available to any parent once they have been signed. The agenda of any meeting is also available. The meetings themselves are confidential.

The school Governors do their work voluntarily and put in a great deal of time to ensure the school is managed efficiently and to the benefit of the children.

Each Governor also sits on one or more committees:

Finance Sets strategic long-term financial plans and monitors budget income and
expenditure over the course of the school financial year.

Curriculum Meets regularly with subject co-ordinators on the teaching staff to review
policies and their implementation, increase Governor knowledge of the
curriculum and monitor the school’s progress against internal, local and national

Personnel Oversees all staffing matters, including the school’s Pay Policy, Performance
Management and appointments of staff.

Premises Sets strategic medium to long-term plans for school maintenance and minor
improvements using funds delegated to the school. The committee is also
responsible for Health and Safety matters.

If you would like to see copies of the Minutes of Governor Meetings, please ask at the Main Office of the school.

If you would like a copy of the Governor’s Annual Report to parents please request one from the Main Office or click on the link below to view the report. Should parents wish to discuss the content of this report please let the school know and, if enough parents require a meeting, you will be notified of the time and date as soon as possible.

Click to meet our governors: 

Annual Report to Parents 2023-2024